#ThursThreads Week 514 : By The End Of The Week

By the end of the week, Rose decided she was tired of always traveling during the day. “I want to see what there is to see when it’s night.” The wolves and rabbits told her the forest was a different place at night. The flowers, rabbits, and all the birds she knew, slept during the night. They hid in the brush, in the trees, in their homes dug under the ground.

“Night is when the owls, and the cats come out.”

Rose decided it was time to learn what the forest was like at night. That day, instead of continuing toward the ocean, she had the flowers grow a canopy, to shade her from the sun, and the ground make a bed of her favorite grasses. Then, she took a nap, and told the rabbits to wake her up when the sun had set.

“I’m going to travel at night now, and see what I can learn.”

She woke to find one lone rabbit tapping on the side of her head. As soon as the rabbit saw she was awake, it ran away, and hid in the brush.

The night was filled with sounds of crickets and katydids, and of sudden movement in the brush. Rose stood in her little clearing, and watched the canopy of flowers open, to show her glimpses of stars through the tree limbs.

“Well,” she said, as she climbed onto her crescent moon shaped boulder, “It’s time to explore the night.”

246 Words

It’s Week 514 of #ThursThreads, hosted by Siobhan Muir. Please go read all the stories in this week’s #ThursThreads. They are always fun to read. And there are some great writers who show up every week.

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