#ThursThreads Week 580 : She had never been there.

Sunshine extended her wings and took to the sky. She followed the water inland. “I would see how far the water travels inland and where it goes.”

She was in a new part of the world for her. She had never been there. But, having watched the earthquake and the ensuing tsunami, she found herself wondering if any villages or towns were flooded by the waves.

She flew inland, over the flooded landscape. It took time. Sunshine was a strong flyer but she was no white magic yielder like Mystica. She had a top speed but she couldn’t maintain that for long. She had to settle for moving slower so she could cover a longer distance.

As she flew she saw no signs of villages or towns, only flooded mountain land, with trees and brush. All of it was flooded. She continued inland until she finally reached the end of the flooding. She’d seen no signs of people. That alleviated her fears. “That is the most destructive thing I’ve ever seen.”

The machines spoke to her then, “There will be aftershocks.”


“And they will cause more flooding.”

“How much?”

“We don’t know.”

She kept flying until the sun finally began to set. “I’m going to need a place to stay for the night.”

She found a small cluster of trees on the side of a mountain. “This looks safe. It has been  a while since I reached the edge of the flooding.” She landed and prepared to rest.

249 Words

This is week 580 of #ThursThreads, hosted by Siobhan Muir. Please go read all the stories in this week’s #ThursThreads. Some gifted writers write for #ThursThreads every week. The stories are fun to read.

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