#ThursThreads Week 505 : It’s All Uphill From Here.

Sword’s last visit had been three months ago. Rose decided that was long enough. That morning, with the sunrise, she floated across the lake to Mystica’s home. The trees graciously let her in.

“Hi, Rose. What brings you here?”

“I’m going to go visit Sword.”

Mystica smiled. “You’re only six, you know. I shouldn’t let you make long journeys on your own.”

“I know, Mamma. And if I was anyone else, I couldn’t argue with you.”

Rose took Mystica’s hand, “Let’s get my sisters, so I can hug them before I go to the ocean.”

Mystica knew, if anyone other than Rose wanted to make the trip, she would not let them. But Rose was special. The forest and everything living in it took care of Rose, and kept her safe. The trees would shelter her at night. The wolves and hawks would guard her as she slept. The squirrels, rabbits, and other birds would gather food for her.

“Of course, Rose. Would you like to tell Oceana that you are coming to visit?”

“No. I want it to be a surprise for Sword.”

“How will they know when you reach the ocean?”

“Sword will hear me.”

They floated across the lake, though Mystica’s broken wing did not let her fly. The white magic carried them, and placed them gently on the shore. As Rose gathered her sisters, Mystica wished being a mother was easier. “It’s all uphill from here, isn’t it?”

She swore the white magic laughed.

248 Words

It’s Week 505 of #ThursThreads, hosted by Siobhan Muir. Please go read all the stories in this week’s #ThursThreads. They are always fun to read. And there are some great writers who show up every week.

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