#ThursThreads Week 615 : Why are you here?

It took three days, but Sunshine did find a human village along the shore of the ocean. It had several piers, and boats attached to them. The village was a fishing village, she knew that much.

Given the reaction the fishermen on the boat had had, she decided to stay hidden as long as she could and watch the humans. To see what they did. How they lived.

On the fourth day, the boat with the men returned to the village. Sunshine watched as men returned to their families and began the process of unloading the boat. She watched as more men came out of the village, with their bows and arrows, after speaking with the men from the boat.

They were on guard against a witch.

“Why are they on guard?” she wondered.

The machines answered her with a question, “Why are you here?”

“To learn about them.”

“Is that all?” the machines asked. A video began to play out on the ground in front of Sunshine. It showed a dead child. A fairy child, with wings. It showed Sunshine walking through the village, with a terrible storm that wrecked the piers, and flooded everything.

“I won’t do that.”

“They kill special children here.”


“They fear that which isn’t like them.”

“I should go around them, unseen.”

“Yes. You should.” The machines paused. “But you are too late. They know you are out here. Somewhere. Waiting. They will come after you.”

243 Words

This is week 615 of #ThursThreads, hosted by Siobhan Muir. Please go read all the stories in this week’s #ThursThreads. Some gifted writers write for #ThursThreads every week. The stories are fun to read.

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