#ThursThreads Week 605 : I Don’t Really Know How

Here I am, again. Sitting at my desk at 10 in the morning, wondering how I’m ever going to make it through the day. Knowing that the day ends at 9 at night, meaning I have 11 hours to stumble through. I don’t really know how to get through the time. But I keep trying every day. Because I refuse any other option.

I know I can wash some dishes. I can spend time on the internet, pretending to myself that I’m learning Korean. I can push myself through another workout session on the stationary bike. I can check the laundry, and see if there is enough to justify running the washing machine and dryer.

As the weather improves, and spring sets in, I can pull weeds from the flower beds. I can mow the lawn. I can edge everything. I can work on the veggie gardens. There are things I can do.

But I know I can’t do it all. I know I’ll need down time. Time to rest.

And it’s raining outside.

Which is how I wind up sitting at my desk, staring at the time, wondering how I’ll ever make it to 9 at night.

198 Words

This is week 605 of #ThursThreads, hosted by Siobhan Muir. Please go read all the stories in this week’s #ThursThreads. Some gifted writers write for #ThursThreads every week. The stories are fun to read.

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